

One of my favorite hobbies is pottery, especially wheel-thrown functional ceramics (e.g., coffee mugs). I took lessons for many years at the Hyde Park Art Center after very briefly getting hooked at the Princeton Arts Council. I’m just now starting classes in the Bay Area.


Since moving to the Bay Area, I’ve started trail running, I’ve been finding routes on BA Hiker and Trail Stompers, as well as just on the alltrails app. I’m not particularly quick, but I’ve enjoyed participating in some road races over the years, including the Stanford Dish Run, the Princeton Half Marathon, and anything in Central Park hosted by NYRR.


I’m a beginner birder, especially interested birds on either end of the size distribution. I have a feeder set up outside my window for hummingbirds, and even once managed to feed them from my hand. On the other end of the size distribution, I am a huge fan of Cal Falcons, I have been to the raptor migration at Hawk Hill, and I try to spot California Condors whenever possible. I got hooked by the Merlin Bird ID app, which is super helpful for beginners!

NY Times Crossword Puzzles

I try my best on NY Times Crossword puzzles. Though I’m usually only able to solve Mondays-Wednesdays, I occasionally get lucky with a Thursday or Sunday. I like to lurk the commentary in the Word Play column and on Rex Parker